Thursday, June 30, 2005

Notable quote !

"Although at the moment they may be equal in their lack of
a real answer, the man who replies "I'll find out," is much
more valuable to his employer, his neighbor, and to himself
than the man who replies "l don't know." -- Anonymous

Hobbies don't pay !

How serious are you about your online or offline business? I meet people ALL the time who say they are serious, but when it comes time to actually get things done, they have something else to do.

Here is a simple truth. You will NOT make money simply by sitting back and hoping something happens. It's very simple.... if you want to run a business, you have to treat it like a business!

That doesn't mean you have to eat, sleep and breathe your business. I mean, the beauty of working from home, and the biggest "pull" for most people is flexibility and the ability to spend more time with friends and family. Many people who run home based businesses are juggling work, family and a multitude of other commitments. So how do they manage all of it, and still find success?
Very simply, time management!

Let's examine how the successful people in the industry get that way.

#1.First, write down on paper exactly what you want to accomplish over the short term, medium term and long term. This is a very important first step, because it helps you psycologically to commit to your business over the long term. You can call this "goal setting" if you want, but I just look at it as "a plan".

#2.Once you know what you want from your business, take a few moments to think about exactly what you have to do to accomplish this. this means, truly reflecting on what tasks you have to perform on a DAILY basis. If you are new to your particular business, and you are not exactly sure what you need to do, pick someone who has already done it, and ask them.

#3. Educate yourself, about your company, products, mission statement, success stories and take advantage of all the training your company offers. All successful companies have tools that will help you succeed. Doesn't it just make sense to take advantage of them?

#4. Learn while you earn. This is a hard one for some people. There are many people out there who think they have to know everything before they can actually get to work. Let me help you put this into perspective for a moment. Think back to the last time you started a new job. I will guess that there was an orientation, or training period. When you finished that orientation, did you know absolutely everything there was to know about your job? Of course not! It is impossible to learn about every possible scenario in a chosen career. You can't get experience by reading about it. Experience only comes by "doing it".

#5. Make a schedule, and stick to it no matter what! This is important. So many people allow themselves to become distracted by daily life crises. It takes a little discipline, and sometimes you need to educate your friends and family, in order to work successfully from home. If you are able to commit 2 hours a day to your business, then write it in your schedule, and plan to work those 2 hours, no matter what comes up!

#6. Do something for your business EVERY DAY! It is not what you do once that will bring you success, it is what you do daily. You need to do "money making tasks" every day in order to see success over time. Once it becomes routine, you will crave the activity. Motivation follows action not the other way around. Have you ever started an exercise program? If you have, you probably were like most people who started because they had a particular weight loss, or health related goal. It probably wasn't easy at the start. You had to force yourself to do it every day, but once you started to see results, you were motivated to continue.

#7. Take time every day for reflection. Evaluate your tasks, and ask yourself if what you did today brought you closer to your goal. Daily reflection is how you learn what works and what doesn't. If you never take the time to evaluate, you may find yourself doing unproductive tasks over and over, and getting nowhere.

#8. Celebrate your small successes. Realize that before you can make a million dollars, you have to make a hundred, and then a thousand. The smaller successes will help to keep you focussed, because your progress will be measurable. Understand that you need to commit to your business, and your daily tasks over a long period of time.

If you follow these steps, and be a student of your successes and failures, you will continue to grow, learn and earn.

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Living Richly

Every day is filled with opportunities for richness. To see those opportunities, all you need to do is look around with an open heart and an open mind.
There are places you pass quickly by every day without even noticing. Take the time to stop and explore some of them, and you'll find them filled with wondrous treasures.

There are people in your life whom you see all the time but you've barely even met. Take the time to get to know them, and you'll find yourself with some fascinating friends.

There are things that interest you that you've never fully explored. Take the time, make the effort to discover and fulfill your passions, and life will take on a new level of meaning.

Living richly has very little to do with how much money you have. Living richly has everything to do with how deeply and sincerely you appreciate the precious blessing that is your life.

Rather than letting the little things get you down, allow the real and meaningful things to lift you up. Make the choice, in each moment, in every situation, to live with richness, because you can.

-- Ralph Marston

Don't you just love Ralph Marston? I have included a link, at the top of this blog, to the "Daily Motivator". Go ahead and click on it. I start every day there!

Feed your mind daily with positive thoughts, and watch your business soar.

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Millionaire Mindset.

What does it really take to be successful at a home based business? If you just had the answer to that question, there would be nothing left to do but the paperwork, right?

Well, get out your pens, because I am going to tell you the "secret"!

The secret is......there is no secret!

Success is simply an attitude. Nothing more, nothing less. When you have the right attitude, you do the work required, because you already know what the result will be. When you have the winners attitude nothing can discourage you, because you know that you will hit road blocks along the way, and you can over-come them and learn. When you have a Millionaire mindset, you don't allow others to "steal your dream"!

What does "having the right attitude" mean, exactly?

Having the right attitude means believing! It means trusting that your company and your colleagues have your best interests at heart. It means embracing your opportunity as THE BEST opportunity for you to succeed.
It is commitment to yourself!

The right attitude means KNOWING with absolute certainty that you are on the right path.!

Follow these very simple words of advice to get yourself on the road to your dreams.

  • Learn about your company.

  • Learn about your products

  • Surround yourself with successful, "big-thinking" people.

  • Remove the "negativity" from your life.

  • Feed your mind

  • Celebrate your successes

  • Focus on activity, not results

  • Believe

Let's examine each of these points.

Learning about your company, and learning your products accomplishes a couple of things. You need to identify with your company and their products, in order to clearly get a vision of your future with them. Now, I could sell you just about anything, at least for a little while, but if I don't personally think the product is "worth it", my long term success is going to be pretty dismal. In fact, if I do not align myself with the company and the products, it will eventually seriously affect my attitude.

Surround yourself with successful, "big-thinking" people. If you don't know any, than go shopping for some new friends. Here is a fact for will become most like the 5 people you spend the most time with ! (Thankfully, my husband is a really great guy! ;-)

Look at your circle of influence with a critical eye.... Do they think positively? Add value? Disregard gossip? Praise, not criticize? Now, an even MORE thought provoking question.... Are you someone you would want to spend a lot of time with?? I have spent a lifetime cultivating friendships. I have an internal thermometer that measures the "hot" factor. After many years of conversing with everybody who has crossed my path, I naturally gravitate to the confident, out-going, friendly, "life-of-the-party" person. That 'some-one' who inspires me, challenges me to think, question, justify.....That special person who attracts a crowd of followers, who somehow leaves me feeling empowered. I surround myself with people who want what I want, who are working with others, who have more knowledge, more experience. These are the people I want to be more like. I also attract those bright, new, "up and comings" who smile a lot and work hard, think laterally instead of linearly, and just simply make me feel good.

This brings me to the next point.... remove the negativity from your life.
I once did an exercise, suggested by a colleague. For 24 hours, I wrote down every negative thought that crossed my mind. Everything from, "I'm tired" to "these pants make me look fat" to "eeewwww, I hate brussel sprouts" ! Well, when I factored out the hours I spent sleeping, I averaged a new negative thought once every 20 seconds ! This might surprise you until you actually start keeping track. Don't you know that you are what you THINK you are Now, every time I think something negative, I automatically cancel it with a positive thought. I DO NOT allow my friends, colleagues, or family members to gossip or say bad things that will affect my day. I learned a long time ago that I am a very sensitive person, in tune with the feelings of others. It truly is a character trait that has brought me far in business, but also has the potential to be overwhelming. So, as a matter of course, I have very strict rules about what I allow "in".

Feed your mind daily. This is one of my favorite points. You see, all of your life, events, and experiences have shaped how you see things, and it is human nature to limit yourself by the boundaries that parents, teachers and well-meaning friends have set for you. If you want to do something remarkable, you first have to understand that other people have accomplished what you are setting out to do. Haul yourself off to the library and grab a book from the "self help" section, or the business section, and find something inspiring. If your company has books or literature they recommend, that is a good place to start. Or, ask one of your successful friends what they would recommend. If you are really stumped, start with ANYTHING by John C. Maxwell. He is by far my favorite author/ speaker of all time. You see, once you rid yourself of the negativity, there is a vacuum left to be filled. If you don't put something back there quickly, you are right back where you started. Feeding your mind should be a daily habit, by the way. MAKE time, when you get up, at lunch, before bed..... Personal growth and change requires that you constantly work towards it. It is acknowledging that there is always room for improvement. It's important, as a student of personal growth, to open your eyes and mind to the vast knowledge and support that successful people are willing to impart.

Celebrate your successes. It is easy to get caught up in the destination. Understand that all along the way, there will be roadblocks to your success. You need to accept that, and congratulate yourself on overcoming the hurdles life will throw in your path. Celebrate your small failures too. I like to say, "thank you, God, for this opportunity to learn!"

Focus on activity, not results ! Now this does not mean keep doing the wrong thing. Of course, you need to evaluate your actions to see if you are having desired results, or at least making progress. The main point I mean to get across is this.... Your day to day activity will ultimately determine your future. It is important to do something for your business every day. Focus on the activities that will bring you closer to your goal.

Believe... believe in your self, believe in your goal, believe in your ability.... you ARE what you think..... You CAN do what you dream of doing... OTHER people have done it, and SO can you! I certainly believe you can do it! I should know.... :-)

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Dealing with NO.

Network marketing is not for the faint of heart, that much is true! The successful people in this industry hear the most "no's", and some "no's" are harder to take than others.

When I started my first business, I was starry eyed with the excitement of a new venture. I just knew that EVERYBODY was going to buy my products, pass on their referrals, book parties and join my business ! Why wouldn't they ? I just found the BEST business EVER !

I did everything I learned. I made a list of my close friends and family, memorized the script, and started calling. Oh, I laugh about it now. At the end of the evening, after making a WHOLE bunch of calls, I had exactly 2 people coming to my Grand Business Opening. My sister-in-law and my best friend.

What happened? I was a little bit bewildered, and, I have to admit, VERY disappointed. After all, I had just started a business!! I did everything I was supposed to.... why couldn't everybody see what a great opportunity this was??

Thank goodness for my recruiter on that day, and thank goodness I had enough faith in her, to call her. The words she spoke to me that day had the power to make my career, or send me back to the hospital in defeat. She did not take that responsibility lightly. This is what she said to me.

"Shelley, it is always hard, when your family doesn't support what you yourself are excited about, and I understand how you feel right now, but look at it from their point of view. You have been a nurse for 16 years. The Shelley Penney they know goes to the hospital and saves lives. They don't know me, and they haven't tried our product. All they know is that you are doing something you have never done before, and they want to protect you. They don't know that you are serious about this. You need to prove yourself to them before they will be able to see this as a good thing for you. Change takes time. Let me ask you this. Why would you let the opinions of others determine your success or failure?"

Sandra, this thank you is for you! I learned something on that night that would propel me to the top of my field. Not everybody will share your vision. Do you really want them to? If everybody saw what you see, there would BE no opportunity.

Here is what I believe, and I believe it with every fibre of my being. Most people do not say "no" because they want to hurt you. They say "no" because they don't have enough information, they are not interested in your product, they have a prior engagement, they are busy or the timing is just not right. They say "no" to your business opportunity because of many reasons, but usually it is simply because they are afraid, or they don't want to be "sold". It very seldom has anything to do with you.

There are ways to approach the "no's" and turn some of them into "YES", BUT with new people, I recommend NOT spending a lot of time on them. Especially if they are your friends or family members. There are thousands of people in your world who will be interested in what you offer, and it is naive to think that you can grow a large business on the backs of your friends and family. Besides, your family knows that you didn't know anything about "widgets" (or whatever :-) yesterday. They are not going to see you as an expert! Strangers, however, will follow your lead, so if you approach your business with confidence, they will see you as a professional.

Give me a stranger any day. Some one I have never met, that I don't know anything about is perfect. Then I can concentrate on the person in front of me, and not their history. If they say "no" to me, then there are so many other strangers to meet. Chances are, if they do say "no", I will never see them again anyway. A fresh slate to write a story on is empowering, and you can write that story any way you want.

Let me leave you with this final thought, taught to me by yet another very wise person.
"NO" is not a is a neutral. It is just like you never asked at all! Think about it.... if you ask your neighbor to try your product, or look at your business, and she says "NO", nothing changes. You haven't sold any product, you haven't got a new business partner and she is still your neighbor. HOWEVER, if she says yes, then you many positive things can happen. You could sell something, she could refer a friend, she could be interested in yuor business.

In this business, there are no negatives, only positives and neutrals. If you never ask, nothing positive will ever come out of it!

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Your Sunday smile.

Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah's Ark...
One: Don't miss the boat.
Two: Remember that we are all in the same boat.
Three: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.
Four: Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
Five: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
Six: Build your future on high ground.
Seven: For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
Eight: Speed isn't always an advantage. Snails were on board with cheetahs.
Nine: When you're stressed, float a while.
Ten: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.
Eleven: No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow waiting
author unknown

Thanks so much to Rick C. Your support and friendship is appreciated. From the other side of the world, you bring a smile to my world daily!

Shelley Penney is a residual income specialist an author, mentor and trainer to the home business industry.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

We are in Public Relations

Set an example YOU would be proud to follow

Why do network marketers and internet marketers, and, well, many sales people in general, receive SUCH a negative reaction from some people? I have been puzzling over this all day.

Is it possible that I, and my industry, have been "painted with the same brush"?

Isn't it true, that in every walk of life, there are people you would associate with and people you wouldn't. Isn't it true that in every business, there are people who "give the organization a bad name"?
Of course it is!

I do not believe that the sales industry has more than it's share of "bad apples". In fact, I have met some of the kindest, most giving people through networking. True service oriented individuals who care very much about their clients, their team members, their company, are becoming the standard!

So, what do you when confronted with stereotyping? HMMM Good question!

I believe, first and foremost, my role is to educate. I believe people mistrust that which they do not understand, therefore, if I can provide information in a non-threatening manner, I may be able to change the misconception, one person at a time.

Let's face it. The world has changed since network marketing became prevalent in the 60's. The sales industry has changed along with it. You see less of the "pomp and circus act" sales presentation, and more solutions oriented meetings. Customers demand knowledge and professionalism, and the best in the field can provide that.

Let me share with you a funny anecdote. I attended a retirement dinner for one of the nurses that I worked with back when I was "still" a nurse. I spent the most enjoyable evening catching up with friends, laughing, sharing stories and "remember when's". When it was time to go, I realized that there were a couple of women at one end of the table that I hadn't had a chance to speak to. As I headed to that end of the table, one of the nurses, that had been a friend and co-worker said, "Oh, HERE she comes ! Don't sit down here and try to sell us something! "
That's like telling a mother not to lick her kleenex and wipe chocolate sauce off my chin! I have just spent 2 hours in a social situation, with people I knew very well at one time, and liked very much. Some of them asked me what I was doing now and I told them, and then I asked them the same question. We had conversation. NOWHERE in that conversation did I try to "sell" something. Oh, OK, I am ranting a bit, but I really do not understand people that think it is OK to be rude because of my occupation.

I work hard at my career. I am focussed on people, sometimes to a fault. When I am with a customer or a team member, I put all of my needs aside and concentrate on the person in front of me. I teach my contacts to do the same. I am constantly helping the people on my team understand that it is not right to "prejudge" the people that they meet. I truly believe that we ALL deserve the same courtesy.

I suffer the insults because I realize that many people have been slighted or run over by an overzealous network marketer in the past. It is hard to change a deep set belief, but we do need to try.

We are all public relations officers for the companies we represent, and the Direct Sales industry as a whole. How we conduct ourselves, and handle situations, for right or wrong, reflects on everybody across the board. It's an unfortunate fact of the career choice we have made. So, when you are conducting business, wear a suit, smile, be professional, and do not engage in the lack of knowledge of others. Show them that things are different now.

Be proud of what you do ! Let's face it, if nobody sold anything then nobody would have anything! Selling, whether direct or indirect, is an honorable, and vital industry. Let's work on keeping it ethical as well!

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Hello.........Is anybody there ??

Communication-- Skills for life.

Are you a communicator? Do you have the ability to really understand what someone is saying to you?

One of the things that is absolutely key, in every area of life, is the skill of communication. Effective communicating is essential in friendships, partnerships and family relationships. Doesn't it make sense to spend some time learning what communication is all about?

Many people make the mistake of believing that talking equals communicating. NOT SO ! Oh talking is certainly a part of communication, but it is a very small part. Stop and think, for a moment, of all the ways we communicate. Body language such as crossed arms or a frown, or leaning towards or away from somebody are very telling to a student of communication. We use our hands to emphasize a point. We swallow, or look away, frown or smile, nod or shake our head. A well placed pause or silence can also speak volumes. There are so many ways to emphasize or de-emphasize a point.

In order to be an effective communicator, there are several factors that share equal importance. I would like to take some time to review those factors.

First and foremost, take the focus off of yourself. This is key, because if you are nervous, worried, or in any other way self-focussed, then you will find it difficult to focus on your audience. Understand that people are people, and the most intimidating person is usually that way to hide their own nervousness. People interpret nervous signals in a negative way, and will sometimes think you have something to hide.
Be warm and friendly, and try out a relaxed smile.
Be aware of your posture. Keep your shoulders and head up, fold your hands in front of you, and tilt your head, or lean forward slightly towards the person with whom you are speaking.
Learn how to ask questions.... This point is really my favorite, and I feel one of the most important. It is so easy to misunderstand what someone is saying, when you don't have enough information. Let me give you an example....Today I was speaking with a potential business partner. He said to me, "I really am unconvinced about network marketing." My first instinct is to give an explanation of why network marketing is a good model. In fact, this is exactly what most people do. When you speak,, without understanding the feeling behind the statement, you end up speaking AT, rather than speaking WITH.

Instead, I empathize with the speaker, and then ask a question to help me clarify this persons concerns. "I understand that you may feel that way. That is exactly what I thought as well. Tell me, David, what is it about network marketing that makes you uneasy?" Other very good clarifying questions are, "Why do you say that?", or, "Have you had experience with Network Marketing in the past?"

These types of questions are a very important part of understanding what the speaker is trying to say. Understand that our brains process information much faster than we can speak. What that means is that, a simple statement such as the one above has much more information attached to it than was spoken. Someones reasons for being wary may be different than another. Clarify before you speak.

Another very important, and often overlooked method of communicating is how something is said. An effective communicator expresses their relationship to the speaker by mimicking some of their intonations and postures. We will relate to those people who we can identify with. When the person is speaking softly, so should you. If the person is using business language, so should you. This does not mean you have to go to acting school, or change who you are. In fact, the most effective communicators adapt to the environment seamlessly, and most of the time, do not even realize they are doing it. The important thing to remember is that you should be constantly aware of what effect your communication is having on the individual or group. Be aware of the things that aren't said, pick up on non verbal clues, listen deeply to what is actually said, and evaluate your response before you speak.

Once the interaction is over, go back over the communication in your mind. Did it achieve the desired results? How might you improve? What things did you say or do that were particularly effective?

Networking is not about convincing, tricking or persuading... It is about respectful interaction...sharing of ideas....Communication.

With practice, anybody can learn the skill of effective communication. As you get better, you will find much success, in both your personal and business life.

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

The words we use.

Picture this scenario. I am out at a speaking engagement, and up comes an eager new business associate, with a guest in tow. He is bubbling with fresh excitement, he pushes his guest forward and says, "Shelley, I would like you to meet my newest prospect!" Oops!! This siuation needs saving FAST!

I can just see some of you now, scratching your head and asking "what's wrong with that?"

This is a mistake made so commonly in network marketing, that it has become standard. The dehumanizing of the people we meet, by using language that is not common in everyday conversation.

People within the industry tend to pick up the "lingo" and use it freely. It sets us apart, it makes us feel important, everybody else does it, therefore it must be right, right?..............WRONG!

Well, think about it. How would you like to be referred to as a prospect, or a lead, or a heavy hitter, or a business builder. The words we use leave an impression on everybody who hears them, and it is very important to understand that people should be valued for who they are, and not what they can bring to your business. Using terms such as the ones above, reduce the individual to an object, and is an incredible turn off.

When you are speaking with, or introducing, potential business partners, it is exceedingly important to recognize this person as an individual. Your main goal is to develop rapport, and communicating effectively requires that the indvidual understands what you are saying, and feels valued.

The business people that you wish to attract to your opportunity are distrustful of that which they do not understand. Many of them are wary of "MLM schemes" to begin with. This distrust is perpetuated by the high pressure tactics, loud music, and hype that has been a part of network marketing for a very long time. Just about everybody knows somebody who has lost money in network marketing.

So, my advice to you is this....Use language that people will understand.
Business people outside of network marketing don't understand "referring",but they do understand "franchising". They don't understand "comp plans", so substitute "ways to earn money". Instead of "prospect" use friend, business associate, or perhaps simply a name !! In fact, I personally think that you should remove the word "prospect" from your vocabulary and NEVER use it again.

Your use of words can alienate or attract. A true professional structures their business presentation to the person receiving the information. People will rarely ask what you mean by that, because they don't want to appear uneducated, so you need to be alert to the reactions of others to determine if what you are saying has the desired effect.

Network marketing is changing, as more people migrate from the corporate world, to a home based business. More and more, we are attracting business savvy and intelligent people who are used to being respected in their field of expertise. You can acknowledge that respect by speaking "to" them and not "at" them, using language they relate to. Get rid of the loud music, unbelievable "earning potential" stories, and slick, manipulative pressure tactics. Be real and be honest. Acknowledge their concerns, and provide solutions based on the experiences of others, and you will find that your organizaton expands with the type of people who stick with you for the long term, with patience and perserverance. People attracted with hype will soon be oppressed by a cloud of disappointment, and will leave with another story of failure to tell.

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.