Sunday, July 31, 2005

Get motivated, Quit Worrying...

And Beat Sales Calls reluctance!

Well, I am back from a wonderful weekend, rejuvenated and refreshed.

This article helped me focus! I found it at A great site with some wonderful tips for people who do business over the phone.

We all have those "Why me?" days or a case of the blahs
every once in a while -- especially during periods of sustained
prospecting. The key to sales success is keeping your sales
call reluctance temporary and controlling how you snap out
of your mini-funks.

Here are some ideas on combating occasional bouts of
sales call reluctance:

Do things differently
Nothing tastes good when it's stale. Walk down the
same path of grass repeatedly, and you'll kill the grass.
If you continue, you'll create a rut.

Make a list of all the ways you do your job, and then
write down how you could improve your work. It's amazing
how changing your perspective can freshen things up and
help you dig out of your sales call reluctance.

Trade tapes of your sales calls with other reps and managers.
The best reps I've ever associated with are always improving themselves;
they're never satisfied with their level of expertise. And they tape themselves.
Listening to your own tapes is great, and it's a good idea if you are looking
to improve your phone skills. But the most beneficial move is opening
yourself up to being evaluated by others.

Oh, I know most people will dismiss this idea. And I also know most
people aren't even close to earning the money they could if they would
put forth more effort.

Refuse to be rejected.
Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without
your consent." Likewise, no one can reject you without your consent.
If you approach every call with the minimum objective of learning
something from the call, you'll at least accomplish that regardless
of the outcome. Keep in mind that if you didn't have a "yes" going
into the call, you won't lose anything if you get a "no."

Why not do your very best?
To paraphrase Brian Tracy: If you're going to do something anyway,
why not commit to doing it the best way you possibly can? I'm
astounded by the stories of how people will spend hours in line to
see the opening of a movie, or be the first one in line when the stores
open on the day after Thanksgiving. Just think about what you could
accomplish if you applied a fraction of that same passion and energy
to your career.

Don't create difficulty.
After all these years, I'm still perplexed by the salespeople who
create prospect resistance every time they pick up the phone.
Yet they keep doing it. Gosh, even lab animals voluntarily quit
doing things that hurt after a few repetitions. Many sales reps
are ill-prepared or suffer from sales call reluctance, muttering the
same guaranteed resistance-inducing openings and go-nowhere
questions every time.

A participant at one of my recent Telesales Rep Colleges summed
it up nicely: "It seems to me it's really not that hard to do the right
things on the phone, as opposed to the wrong things that keep
getting doors slammed in your face." Bingo. That's the revelation
all successful sales reps have at some point -- like putting on
glasses for the first time after living with bad vision.

Think larger.
How do you know what you can't do? I'm not talking about
what you think you can't do; those are the self-imposed limitations
you've been believing until now. There's very little you're not capable
of doing -- as long as you really try. So set a larger target for
yourself and say, "Why not?" You'll realize what you've been
missing, and you'll be more motivated as you pursue your goal.

Feed your mind.
Often, people are depressed and are reluctant to place sales
calls. They have the same old negative thoughts running through
their minds like a tape stuck on "replay." Breaking out is not that
hard to do; you just need to put your mind in a more positive mood.

Buy some self-improvement books, take them home and get to
work on your mind. After reading a few pages, start creating an
action plan. It's impossible for your mind to be preoccupied with
negative thoughts when you're focused on positive action.

Hang with achievers.
You've probably read or heard that humorous quote, "It's tough
to soar with eagles when you hang around with turkeys." Think
of some of the most successful people you know, those you really
admire. I would bet they don't regularly blame others or circumstances
for things that go wrong. Achievers exude a positive attitude, and
it's infectious. Go catch it!

This Tip came from "How To Sell More, In
Less Time, With No Rejection," two-volume book set.
In these 500+ pages, Is covered every type of telesales
and prospecting call, with plenty of word-for-word examples
of what to do, and avoid, including numerous case studies
like this one. This will be the best $59 investment you
can make in your future sales and commissions, and
help you avoid resistance-inducing mistakes you might
not even realize you're making!
See more information; HERE

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Remember the important things in life.

I am in danger of becoming a working machine!!

I love what I do SO much, that I have some very compelling reasons to work continuously!

It's because when I am working, it doesn't feel like work. I absolutely LOVE talking to new people on the phone. I LOVE teaching others to search for their success. I LOVE learning about the success stories in the industry, and my own company, listening to motivational tapes, devising a new training program, showing my products, marketing on the internet.

It is the love of what I do that makes my feet hit the floor every morning. It is NOT the promise of riches down the road that drives me. It is simply the sheer pleasure of the work!

I embrace the challenges as much as I relish the successes.

I feel myself getting stronger, more confident, and happier every day. My career is like a magnet that draws me closer!

HOWEVER today is Saturday. The sunshine is strong and clear, the birds are singing, my family is preparing a picnic, and the river is calling.

Today will only happen once, and I am going to enjoy it to the fullest!
I will return rejuvenated, with a healthy summer glow, and feeling refreshed from the crisp country air.

The days I spend, together with my family, are important too. They are my "why", the reason that I work with focus and determination.

I've worked hard this week, and what better reward then to enjoy time with the people who matter most.

I will return energized and focussed, and ready to handle the challenges that come my way.

Remember the important things in life

Don't use your family as an excuse to not succeed, use them as a reason to excel!

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

If You Don't Have a Home-Based Business, Start One Today!

By Sandy Botkin

The last decade may have been a decade of tremendous corporate profits and economic growth, but for the vast majority of North Americans, the 90's were a dismal, uphill climb. And many economists believe that this new millennium won't be getting better any time soon.


Changing business and government attitudes are the reason. There has seemingly been more anti-business legislation in the last decade than in any other this century. Stronger employment and labor laws, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Comprehensive Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA, which includes mandating health insurance for workers for a period of time after they leave employment), safety laws, much tougher laws for discharging workers, more liabilities for lawsuits, Family Leave Act, Americans with Disabilities Act (which is creating immense numbers of lawsuits), along with higher minimum wages and fringe benefits.

Just reading this list is exhausting.

While these acts have beneficial and protective aspects, they have also encouraged businesses to move their facilities. That "sucking sound" popularized by Ross Perot is not just down to Mexico, but elsewhere as well. The result has been a dramatic loss of heavy industry in the U.S.

The young and the middle-aged alike are realizing that their dream of "having a job with a company forever" is an illusion. Companies have been downsizing, rightsizing, and capsizing for some time now, and they continue to do so-more now than ever before. Even the federal and state governments are getting into the act with layoffs and attrition of jobs.

In addition to all this uncertainty and mutual lack of loyalty between companies and employees, even the workers who do keep their jobs have no guarantee of promotions due to the shrinking number of management positions. These circumstances aggravate the already tryingly long commutes in rush hour traffic and increasingly typical frustrated boss-spelled backwards, that double S-O-B.

Finally, if all this isn't bad enough, under recent tax laws employees are shafted more than ever with limits and thresholds for their employee deductions and higher social security tax limits. This results in more couples working than ever before and, on many occasions, working more than one job. It is now almost impossible to have only one job in the family and make ends meet! Today, many households need three incomes just to survive.

Sadly, even having more than one job does not produce any major positive effect on most people's bank accounts. Why? Because of tax laws. This was well illustrated in 1994 by Jane Bryant Quinn in her Woman's Day article on "How to Live on One Salary."

Where The Money Goes

Ms. Quinn's example assumed that a man was earning $40,000 per year. His wife (we will call her Lori) wasn't working. They had more month than money. (Sound familiar?) Lori subsequently got an administrative job for $15,000 per year. You would think this would improve the family's financial situation, but when Ms. Quinn examined the economics of getting this extra income, the results were startling!

Lori had to pay federal and state taxes on her new income. Since they filed jointly, the family's combined income was what established their tax bracket. She paid $4,500 in new taxes, most of which was non-deductible, for federal and state income tax.

Lori had social security withheld from her paycheck at the rate of 7.65 percent, which amounted to an additional nondeductible amount of $1,148 being extracted from her salary. She also had to commute to work 10 miles a day round trip, which is probably conservative for most people. This resulted (in 1995) in nondeductible commuting costs of $696.

Lori also had some child care expenses, which give a partial tax credit. Ms. Quinn figured that the amount spent over and beyond the tax credit was $4,250 per year.

Lori also ate out each day with colleagues, spending an average of $5 per day, five days a week. This results in a nondeductible expense of $1,250 per year. (I would love to know where she ate for only $5!)

Now that Lori has a job, she has to have professional clothing, this means a hefty dry cleaning bill. Ms. Quinn assumed that Lori's increased expenses here amounted to an extra $1,000 per year, nondeductible, of course.

Finally, with both spouses working, Lori wasn't in the mood to cook dinner every night. They bought more convenience foods and ate out more frequently. This resulted in increased food costs of a nondeductible $1,000 per year in minimum.

Add it all up and Lori's take home pay was a paltry $1,156 a year, for which she had to put up with a daily commute, an unpleasant boss, and corporate hassles.

No wonder more and more people are starting home-based businesses. In fact, there are currently an estimated 30 million people working from their homes. This number is expected to more than triple, to 97 million, by the year 2000, and to keep on growing. This has become and will continue to be one of the greatest mass movements in the U.S.

Why a Home-Based Business Makes So Much "Cents"

There are many reasons why so many people are favoring home-based over traditional business.

There is no commute (unless you have a really big home), no boss, little if any chance of lawsuits, much lower overhead, no employees, (or few), and far fewer government restrictions. In fact, many of the laws previously cited don't apply to small firms with few or no employees. It is for these reasons, according to Entrepreneur magazine, that 95 percent of home-based businesses succeed in their first year and achieve an average income of $50,250 per year with many earning much more.

There are really two sets of tax laws in this country. One is for employees, and it allows deductions for individual retirement accounts, 401(k)s (if you have one set up by your company), interest and property taxes on your home (which some in Congress want to do away with ), and charity. Then there are the laws for home-based business people who conduct their business either full-time or part-time. They can deduct, with proper documentation ,their house, their spouse, and even children (by hiring them), their business vacations, their cars, and their food with colleagues. They can also set up a pension plan that makes any government plan seem paltry by comparison.

For Lori-and for you - the meaning of all this is simple:

Lori earned $15,000 in salary as an employee, but took home only $1,156. She could have netted the entire $15,000 had she earned it in a home-based business!

This is an increase of almost 13 times her take-home pay as an employee.

Notice that Lori is not spending dramatically more money than she is currently spending. She would eat out anyway, go on trips and drive her car the same as before. By having a home-based business, however, many of their expenses become deductible. This concept is known as "redirecting expenses." With a legitimate home-based business, she can now deduct some of the expenses that she is incurring anyway.

Renegade Strategy: If you don't have a home-based business, start one!

In addition to all the benefits mentioned above, Congress will subsidize you while you are growing your home-based business. If your home-based business produces a tax loss in the first year or so, you can use that tax loss against any other income you have. It can be used against wages earned as an employee, dividends, pensions, or interest income-or you can use the loss against your spouse's earnings if you file a joint return.

If the tax loss exceeds all your income for this year, no problem. You can carry back the loss two years and get a refund from the IRS for up to the last two years of income taxes paid, or you can carry over the loss twenty years. You read it right: You can offset up to 20 years of income!

Here's an example:

Mike earns $50,000 in a job with the government. If he starts a home-based business that generates a tax loss of 10,000, he only pays tax on $40,000.

Renegade Tip: You can never lose a properly documented business deduction as long as you run your legitimate business like a business with a bona fide business purpose and have an honest expectation of profit. Make also sure that all your expenses are ordinary and necessary and reasonable as noted in our Tax Advantage and Tax Strategy Program.

Renegade Strategy: Get LUCK-Labor Under Correct Knowledge.

Can You Succeed In a Home-Based Business? Research has constantly shown that it is rarely the business that determines success or failure. It is usually the business owner. Why does one person succeed and another fail at the same business?

Two words-Knowledge and Action.

Some people want the benefits of having their own business, but they don't take action. The result is business failure.

Then there are the people who are always working. They take action but still fail. The reason is that they are not taking the correct actions, the knowledgeable actions, that will bring the desired results. Again, business failure.

It's like drilling for oil. If you set up a drilling rig in your back yard, it is going to fail at producing oil unless your back yard is in Texas or Alaska. The same rig in a good field will produce a gusher, because it was placed where oil was known to exist.

The point is that most people who get excited about starting their own home-based business do so without all the necessary knowledge. Consequently, many people quit before they acquire, through experience, the knowledge they need, without realizing that they are getting substantial tax breaks. This leads to another strategy....

Renegade Strategy: Learn to duplicate the success of others.

Duplicating the strategy of others is much quicker and more effective than going to the school of hard knocks.

It is also known as modeling, which is well-illustrated by the way The McDonalds Corporation blazed a trail to success that many have since followed.

In the early 1950's McDonald's and other start-up companies discovered that they could grow many times faster than the conventional firms through franchising. Instead of the company investing millions of dollars to build new stores, they let independent franchises do it for them.

It seemed like a great idea, but at first no one figured out how to make it succeed on a consistent basis; therefore, the media attacked relentlessly and continually. News articles featured destitute families who had lost their life savings through franchising schemes. Virtually every state attorney general in the U.S. condemned the new marketing method. Some congressmen even tried to outlaw franchising entirely.

Over the years, however, Ray Kroc and his management team at McDonald's developed a turnkey franchise business team at McDonald's franchise. The newfound success-from the system-turned public perception of franchising around. Today, virtually every franchise business models-to some extent-the franchise business system created by McDonald's, making franchising one of the most respected ways of doing business in the world.

Modeling is simply learning what other successful people have done to achieve success in a specific area, and then doing the same thing. Someone said that "education is the shortcut to experience." With modeling, you literally leverage your own learning with the collective years of learning through experience of many others. Modeling the success of others saves both time and money and reduces frustration and stress.

The light at the end of the tunnel, for you and millions of others today, is the financial opportunity that starting your own business offers. If you have one going already, then make sure you are enjoying the many financial advantages to which your smart choice entitles you. The tax advantage alone can make a home-based business the single best financial move you could ever make.

Sandy Botkin is a CPA, attorney and former trainer of IRS attorneys nationwide. He lectures all over the nation on tax planning for self-employed and corporate taxpayers and can be seen in the big events with Donald Trump, Anthony Robbins and many others. He has been written up in Newsweek and in many other magazines. He is also a syndicated writer and noted author of this famed tape series “Tax Strategies for Business Professionals” and “Tax and Financial Strategies for Residential Real Estate.” To find out more about Sandy and his products, check out his terrific small business web site at: or by calling his office at 301-972-3600 in Maryland.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Credibility !

Your marketing efforts depend on it.

Network or internet marketing success depends on credibility.
Your company's credibility of course is important, and that includes quality products, coupled with a good return policy, solid management principles, and a history of following through with solid pay plans for distributors.

Of course, those things are beyond your control. If you have chosen your company wisely, all you really have to worry about is your own personal credibility.

First of all keep in mind that today's consumer is becoming more aware of less than honest sales techniques. Surely you have heard the expression,
"Once bitten, twice shy".

If you want to succeed in your on- or off-line market, you need to prove that you are worthy. You can win your customers over with integrity and honesty. Just good old fashioned values that are every bit as important today as they ever were.

Let's examine ways to develop offline/online credibility.

  • Outline your company or product benefits without the hype. Provide factual information that you can back up with testamonials, and documented proof.

  • If someone asks a question that you don't know the answer to, don't make it up! Say, "That's a good question. Let me find out and get back to you." Then find it out. People understand that you might not have all of the facts at your fingertips, and as long as you know where you can get the answer, and get back to them within a reasonable amount of time, that's ok.

  • Don't use questionable marketing techniques. One example that comes to mind is the "reverse marketing" technique that is currently being taught. In reverse marketing, someone sends you an ad and you reply with an ad of your own. Now I do not have a problem with this at all if the original ad was unsolicited. However, many people are being taught to go through classified ad sites etc, and send ads to people who have advertised there. The typical plea goes something like this...
    "I saw your ad online, and I have a question about your business. Could you call me at 555-7890." If you do call, the person then goes on to tell you about what they are selling. Can you see how this migth irritate someone???
    No matter how great the temptation might be, don't do it! Not only is it unethical, but it doesn't take long for word of mouth to ruin your reputation as a marketer.

  • Provide good customer service. This is the key to return visitors. Call your customers, and ask them how they like your product. Listen to what they say. If they are thrilled, ask for a written testamonial. If they are less than thrilled, offer a solution to their problem. Do these calls with in 2 weeks from purchase.

There are many individuals and companies on the internet today who use questionable tactics to develop their database.

Don't fall into temptation!

If you want to build something that lasts, and has genuine meaning, "do unto others...." well you know the rest!

Set an example others would be [b]proud[/b] to follow.

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Learn to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

When I was about 7 years old, I had a favorite dress. Oh I loved that dress. It was a rich tan colored velvet with cream colored knit sleeves. It came to just below my knees, had billowed out when I twirled around. I used to put it on and wear it around the house, feeling like a princess. When my mom put it away that winter's end, I was pretty upset, but she reassured me that when summer was over, she would bring it back out again.

That fall I remember standing by excitedly while she rooted around in the basement, looking for the "winter clothing" box. I quickly scooped up my dress before she had the box fully open and scurried up to my room to put it on.

Imagine the depth of my despair when I tried it on, only to discover it didn't fit anymore!

I had grown!

Mom tried to console me. She offered to take me to the store to get a new dress, but there was no dress like that one to be found. I mourned that dress for weeks!

I look back on that time and find it pretty funny now, but then it was the absolute end of my world. I didn't want to grow. I wanted the comfort and security of familiar things.

What I realize now is that living things MUST grow. If there is no growth, then there is no life.

This is significant. So many people grow physically, but never allow themselves to grow in other ways. I have returned to places I had moved on from years ago, only to find many of the same people doing the exact same things they were doing back then. They have taken their lives and wrapped them in the comfort and familiarity of things they know, in much the same way as I tried to wrap myself in the comfort and familiarity of that dress. They are still talking about the same things, eating the same foods, following the same routines. Oh, their children have grown, they have a little gray around the temples and maybe a little more or a little less around the middle, but everything else is exactly the same.

Have they really LIVED??

I have become a student of personal growth, and I have found over the years that I am much more open-minded, much more resilient, and much more excited than my stagnant counterparts.

Oh, I am sometimes afraid to try new things, just like everybody else, but I sure don't let THAT stop me!

"Learn to be comfortable with being a little uncomfortable"

This motto has served me well over the years. I have found that that which was once uncomfortable has become a part of my every day. Discomfort, shyness, mild fear.... these are emotions that we all experience. The thing that is so amazing is that it has always seemed when I am feeling the greatest discomfort from something, I reap the largest rewards.

8 years ago I walked away from a full-time 16 year career. I left behind my seniority, my training, and my pension to start a business from home. I think, aside from my choice of husband, it ranks as the single-most life changing moment ever.

Was I scared? You betcha!

I lost many nights sleep worrying about the decision. The day I walked in to the hospital and placed my resignation on my mangers desk, I thought I was going to faint. When my manager came to me later in the morning, and ask me if I wanted to change my mind, I wanted to say YES!

The first few months were tough. Nurses are in great demand, and I received job offer after job offer. My business wasn't up and running full steam, and I could feel myself waivering.

One night, I went in and sat next to my husband. I said, "Jim, I need your advice. I have received another job offer. I can work part-time or full-time. They want me so bad they will even let me choose my hours. I can work just mornings if I want to. Should I take it?"

My husband answered, "If you go back to nursing, your focus will be divided. When you are at your job, you will be thinking about your business, and when you are at your business you will be thinking about your job. You won't be happy, and neither will get the effort they deserve. You made a decision, and going back will not be the same."

I out-grew another dress!

I poured my heart into my business, and before I knew it I was achieving mare than I ever dreamed possible. After a year I was able to take my children and husband to Florida, to visit Disney world, something we had never been able to do when I worked a traditional job.

In the process, I learned a lesson that propels me to this day. Nothing good in life comes without risk and sacrifice. It is ALWAYS easier to "toe the line", and stick with the comfort, but in the end, you could miss out on so much.

A little bit of fear is sometimes a sign of greatness just around the bend!

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Staying positive in a negative world.

Have you ever been in a great mood, called a friend to share, and got off the phone feeling like you wanted to kill yourself??

You know.... that friend who's cat is always sick. The same one who gets to the front of the bank line just as the teller goes for lunch, her satellite dish loses the signal seconds before her daughter's televised choir concert. The same one who complains that she can never get a good meal, never has enough money, never has anything good to say about anyone.

If you have, then you know how someone else can affect your own frame of mind if you let them
Here is a sobering fact for you....You become like the 10 people you spend the most time with

In our daily lives we are constantly bombarded with negativity. The war in Iraq, the murder (s!) in New York, the child abduction in Toronto, not to mention all of the daily "you shouldn't...., you couldn't..., and you won't s" that people throw at us all day long.

It is important to realize that you have a choice in all things.

You choose your friends, you choose to watch the news, you even choose how you react to certain things.

It is a proven fact that people who are happy live longer, and stay healthier than their negative counterparts.
What you think about, you bring about

Here are some things you can do that will keep you smiling in the face of such overwhelming odds.

read a motivational story every morning, sing out loud (and off key), smile when you answer the phone, act silly, go for a walk, hang out with happy people, turn OFF the news (someone will let you know what you need to know), help a customer find the right product for them, pick someone who is happy and "act" like them for an hour every day, call someone who makes you smile, go to the park and watch children play, say goodmorning to a stranger, pay for the order behind you in the Tim Horton's drive through, listen to a motivational speaker on CD, attend your company's training calls or meetings, enjoy the smell of food cooking, read a child a story...make your voice change with the different characters, wave at a trucker on the highway,

It is amazing to me how your life can change by just changing your attitude a little. Joyfullness is contagious, and you will find that the effort becomes habit after a while. Pretty soon, you are feeling better, the sun is shining more, you are making more money, you are enjoying life.

Looking for the good means that you are sure to find it.

Some people might tell me that I am not being realistic... after all NOTHING is great all the time. But I just smile. I would rather be in cheerful oblivion than stark reality anyday!

You can start purposefully CHOOSING your life today. I am positive that nothing but good will come from it!

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Cultivate relationships!

I am a firm believer of building, not burning, bridges.
If you agree with this philosophy, you will love the following article by
Jeff Keller.
To receive a monthly motivation newsletter from Jeff,
go here.

Networking That Gets Results

Much of the motivational literature and many seminars focus on individual effort as the key to success. Take responsibility, they say. Develop a positive attitude. Set goals. Move into action. All of this, of course, is great advice. But only to a point.

While your success certainly starts with you, it grows to higher levels as a result of your relationships with people. Simply put, you won't succeed on a grand scale all by yourself.

That's why networking is so important. For the purposes of this article, let's define this term as the development of relationships with people for the mutual enhancement of our personal and professional lives. Networking is a way to get leverage on your own efforts and accelerate the pace at which you attain results. After all, the more solid relationships you build, the greater your opportunities for success.

To build an effective network:

1. Project a winning attitude. This is a given. If you are positive and enthusiastic, people will want to be around you and to help you. If you are gloomy and negative, others will avoid you.

2. Participate actively in groups and organizations. Effective networking and relationship‑building takes more than paying dues, putting your name in a directory and showing up for meetings. You must demonstrate that you will take the time and make the effort to contribute to the group. Therefore, volunteer for committees or serve as an officer. This shows people your ability to work as a team player and helps to reveal and develop your skills.

3. SERVE OTHERS in your network. This is the absolute key to building and benefiting from your network! You should always be thinking, How can I serve? instead of What can I get? If you come across as desperate or as a "taker" rather than a "giver," you won't find people willing to help you. Going the extra mile for others is the best way to get the flow of good things coming back to you.

4. Be a good listener. In your conversations, focus on drawing other people out. Let them talk about their careers and interests. In return, you will be perceived as caring, concerned and intelligent.

5. Call people from time to time without a hidden agenda. Ever hear from an old friend who supposedly phones just to say hello, but then gets to the "real" reason for the call? How does that make you feel? To avoid being perceived in this way, take five minutes each day and call one person in your network simply to ask how he or she is doing and to offer your support and encouragement.

6. Take advantage of everyday opportunities to meet people. You can make excellent contacts just about anywhere ... at the gym or on line at the market. You never know from what seed your next valuable relationship will sprout.

7. Treat every person as important -- not just the "influential" ones. Don't be a snob. The people you meet (whether or not they're the boss) may have a friend or relative who can benefit from your product or service. So, when speaking to someone at a meeting or party, give that person your undivided attention. Don't gaze around for "more important people" to talk to.

8. At meetings and seminars, make it a point to meet different people. Don't sit with the same group at every gathering. While it's great to talk with friends for part of the meeting, you'll reap greater benefits if you make the extra effort to meet new faces.

9. Ask for what you want. By helping others, you've now earned the right to request assistance yourself. Don't be shy. As long as you've done your best to serve those in your network, they will be more than willing to return the favor.

10. When you receive a referral or helpful materials, ALWAYS send a thank you note or call to express your appreciation. Follow this suggestion only if you want to receive more referrals and more useful information. If you don't acknowledge that person sufficiently, he or she will be much less likely to assist you in the future.

Remember that networks are built over time and that significant results usually don't show up immediately. So be patient! Build a solid foundation of relationships and continue to expand and strengthen them. You'll have to "put in" a lot before you begin reaping the big rewards.

Now, go ahead! Select a few of these networking techniques and implement them right away. Get to work serving and improving your network. Then you will truly have an army of troops working to help you succeed!

-- Jeff Keller © Attitude is Everything, Inc.

Monday, July 11, 2005

The Ten Commandments of MLM Recruiting

- by Doug Firebaugh

1) Thou Shalt Recruit through Your prospects eyes.

So many times when we are trying to recruit, online or offline, we do not take the time to see what our prospect is seeing. Your prospect is looking through THEIR eyes, not yours, and has no clue to how you see things...the only thing that matters to them is how THEY see things...and the recruiters who take the time to learn what their prospect is looking for, what is important to them, and what isn't, will have huge success. Your prospect has a dream for their life, and you must look through that "dream lens" of theirs, and see what they are looking to happen with their life, and show them how you can help them get it.

2) Thou Shalt Focus on Relationships, not just Distributorships.

Power Recruiters in this business understand that the Gold in this business is a long term relationship, not a short term distributorship. That is why most people cannot recruit...they are focused on a paycheck, not people...(CLUE!!!!!)Power Recruiters also know that people are more ATTRACTED to someone who cares about THEM FIRST- then the business. You must be a friend first, before you will ever get to second base...and what makes more sense?

Recruiting for a Long term retirement producing business, or a short term paycheck? If you focus on your prospect and learn about THEM as a person, not just as part of the process, you will find your results will skyrocket. Relationships are magnetic...Magnetize your Distributorship with Relationship Recruitng!

3)Thou Shalt Garner Leads Everyday.

Leads are the lifeblood to any distributorship. And most folks play the " Baking game" in recruiting. Instead of going out and getting new leads daily, they go out and hold onto their existing leads, and wait for them , like a cake in an oven, to bake and turn into HOT leads and ones that will come into their business. Are you a chef? or a leader? You MUST have a methodical plan and system to create and find leads daily, and to quit the "baking game"..which in reality is the "faking game" are faking at doing this business by holding onto leads that you hope will turn into prospects, even after a negative response, but never do. The Magic is in the Multiples....and the Lotto is in the List. Continue daily to get at least ONE MLM lead a day to create enough numbers to talk to that will create enough of a paycheck to talk about.

4) Thou Shalt Draw Them In.

When you recruit, you must draw your people into your "world"..We have a saying at PassionFire..."Meet them in their world, and then lead them to yours..."..What that means in order to attract and draw your prospect into your presentation or conversation, you must start in theirs ...Find out what is important to them, and the what they want out of life...then wrap your presentation around that. Ask lots of questions, and paint a picture with your words with them obtaining their dream....look them in the eyes, smile, touch their arm, nod your head, talk their language...don't get too technical...and meet them first where they are in life...and then take them to where you can lead them....that's Power Network Marketing Recruiting.

5)Thou Shalt Educate, not Regurgitate.

You must understand that Recruiting is an education process , not just informing and regurgitating facts. People want to learn...that is their nature when they are looking at doing something...but many folks "Dump" all they know on them, and suffocate them with Information, not education. Recruiting through an Education Focus is a process, step by step, not a Firehose program. And educating the prospect also is giving them the information they want to learn about, not just what you want to talk about.(CLUE!!!)Education is a whole less intimidating way to recruit too...all you say is..."I don't know if this is for you or not ...worse thing that could happen is you could learn something.."

6) Thou Shalt Communicate Hope, Possibilities, and Belief.

When you recruit, you should have a presence about you that screams Hope! Possibilities! Belief! And that is what you create in your words...."How would it feel to have total freedom?"...Imagine you obtaining that house you want for your family.."..." Wouldn't it be incredible if...".."Can you feel the joy with..'... All people are looking for more Hope in their life, the hope that life will turn out better than it is. All people are looking for more possibilities to increase and improve their life. And all people are looking for more belief that they are on the right track, and belief they can have a more richer and fulfilled life. You must create an environment of Hope, Possibilities, and Belief when recruiting. That "oxygen" will prove to be Explosive..

7) Thou Shalt Know the Fortune is in the Follow Up.

It does no good to make a presentation and do all the initial recruiting steps...if you don't Follow Up. Get this: Follow Up is where you get paid! The earlier steps are just leading up to it. If you want to create a fortune, create a system to follow up, and stick to it, and make it duplicatable as well. If you discovered a Gold Mine, you would want to finish digging and finding the gold vein. It's the same in the follow up. There is no paycheck with out a call back! (CLUE!!!!) The fortune is in the Follow Up...No Follow Up, no Check going Up!

8) Thou Shalt Not Close...But Navigate.

We teach "Navigators" to get the decision for the application...why? The last word in Lose....and if a person doesn't close someone, they see that as a losing about navigating them to a decision that is right for them, and without pressure, help them make a decision that is right for their life...Can you be persuasive? Absolutely! but be mindful that if this business is truly NOT for them, they may know someone who it is for......What are Navigators? They are simply phrases that help guide the prospect to the finish line. They are Powerful, and deadly....

9) Thou Shalt Shake the Dust Off Your Feet.

The Greatest Teacher that ever lived told His Disciples "If a town doesn't find your message in accord...shake the dust off your a testament against that town...". Incredible advice! Understand these 3 things: ...Not everybody is for this business. ...There is no one blinder who can see, but won't. ...They aren't rejecting you, but themselves from success. If you carry with you all the negatives that you can get in this business, they become "Anchors' on your business. Release them and shake it off, and move forward. Look for people who are looking for you...

10) Thou Shalt Know the R.I.A.F.O.L. Rule.

What is that? It stands for Recruiting Is A Form Of Leadership. Period. Why is that True? ...You are asking someone to follow your lead into a business. ..You are asking someone to follow your lead into a business. ...You are asking someone to follow your lead about a product... ...You are asking someone to follow you into an unknown future.

And when you recruit, people are looking to FOLLOW you, not just sign up with you..(CLUE!!!!). They will be looking for Strength and Solidity in you and your direction and Leaderhip. The most Powerful recruiters in the world have a Leadership Presence and focus about them If you are not strong enough to follow, you will not be magnetic enough to join in Network Marketing.

Leadership is the secret to magnetic recruiting..You are asking someone to follow your lead...but first, you have to be worthy of following.

These are the Ten Commandments MLM Recruiting...use them and let them Empower your Business... Doug Firebaugh PassionFire Intl

Sunday, July 10, 2005

People don't care how much you know....

...until they know how much you care.

Ah.... those words set me free !

You see, I work a home based network marketing business. I have become used to people over the years questioning my motives.
"You only want me to join so you can make money"
"You're only saying THAT so you can....."
"You just want to SELL me something...."
Oh and my favorite
....."What are you getting out of this......"

Ok, so here'e the thing, and this comes straight from that place inside of me that only I can see.


I care about my customers. I want them to like their products, and get the results they expect. I honor my company's return policy, and I feel bad when my customer feels they need to return something. I follow up after a sale, to see how they are enjoying what they purchased.

I care about my company. I support their policies without complaint. I work hard to offer suggestions in areas that may be lacking. I freely provide my expertise to everybody whether they are on my team or not. I work with the people who have influence to bring their awareness to things I think could work better. I do not complain publicly EVER about my company or anybody else's.

I care about my industry. I deeply care that there are some unethical practices by people who just want their share. I care about the reputation of MLM as a whole. I care that there are people in other businesses that are floundering without support or a clear path. I care very much when an MLM company goes "under" because I know it affects a lot of people and their families.

Most of all, I care about my team. I lead by example, treat everybody with respect, teach what I know, and don't burden them with my problems. I don't gossip, ridicule or disregard their concerns.

You see, in this life, what you send out truly does come back 100 fold. People want to be treated fairly, they want to follow a leader who has their best interests at heart, they want to trust. Success carries a price, and it is important to realize that in network marketing, the price is responsibility to those who have placed their trust in you.

Do I need to make money?? Oh, absolutely! I have children, a mortgage and expenses just like everybody else. But I refuse to make money on the backs of the people who trust me. As a result, I have found success that many only dream of.

I was lucky enough, early in my career, to find someone who cared as much as I do, who taught me the skills and knowledge it would take to succeed, with patience and consistency. Now I have the priviledge of passing that knowledge on to a new generation of networkers.

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

We're All "Self Made",

We're All "Self Made",
But Only Millionaires Seem To Admit That!
By Joe Schroeder

1: Failure is a privilege exclusive to people with grit in their crawl and who spit thunder. In other words, failure is singular to people who exercise their potential and work successfully until everything comes crashing down.

2: In plain English, failure is only for those who "build it up" and then watch it crumble.

3: Naturally, we could do a series of newsletters on how "failure" is really success. Because as the good book teaches us, there is always an equal seed of equivalent good (potential and opportunity) in all that we on the worldly plane perceive as failure. And there are those (including myself) who would prefer to erase the word failure from their vocabulary. And replace it with the working philosophy of "falling forward fast".

4: Nonetheless, because we have been conditioned from childhood about the meaning of failure and all that it represents, I believe this failure is a noteworthy subject. Especially when "failure" has become synonymous with MLM for the most part.

5: Case in point: Most Networkers would say that they have "failed" at network marketing.

6: Including me. And I've said that I have and did (fail) on numerous occasions and have retold many of my "struggling" stories on at least a half a dozen (6) of my MLM audio training tapes!

Most Networkers Never Even Get Within a Mile of Failing at MLM.

The Truth Is, Most Networkers Never Even Really Get Started!

7: But like I said, failure is an honor. And usually a reaction to extreme effort and concentrated discipline. And yet, the majority who dabble in MLM ultimately walk away from MLM or they hop from program to program saying how "that deal didn't work" and "how that one didn't work either", when all along, they never got started in the first place!

8: Which erases any notion or even ability of failure. Completely. It's like, how could a bridge collapse if it was never built in the first place?

9: At the same time though, it's become convenient for loads of Networkers to point a finger at MLM, like it was some dirty little sneak or something, because MLM "failed" them or "hurt" them in some way. When in fact they never even actually got started!

10: And listen, you know as well as I know that buying $500 in MLM marketing "tools" isn't any closer to true MLM or networking as is co-op advertising. Which I do both of. But neither of those marketing exercises is networking.

11:and yet, "Johnny" will join an MLM, mail out 1,000 audio tapes (the poor sap!), not even get two enrollee's, quit - and then say "I failed at MLM". Or how MLM is a scam.

12: The truth is, hanging a shingle out saying you're a doctor doesn't make you a doctor. You have to "practice" (work) to be a real doctor. And until you have enrolled at least 10 and built a downline of 50 you have never truly "networked" or for that matter, even ever failed!

Nature Has An Amazingly Simple System.
Here's How It Works: Use It or Lose It!

13: The world and universe is perfect. And we can witness its perfection through its perfect balance. For without its perfect balance there would be chaos. The planets would collide with each other, the sun would fry you until "crispy brown", and we'd all be drowned by the tides of the ocean.

14: Nonetheless, we live in a perfectly systematic universe. And if you doubt that, just peek out the door and think about that tree outside, that's over 40 feet tall that has stood erect for over 50 years.

15: Have you ever thought about that? Thought about how perfect and balanced trees are! Notice how even if they look slightly out of kilter, they are still perfectly symmetrical. That's because the apron of branches are used like the horizontal pole the tight rope walker uses to shimmy across his tight rope. For balance.

16: And when we look at tree's what we don't see are the roots. Which are in length and size to the direct proportion of the tree itself. For balance. And what we are looking at when we look at nature is perfect engineering.

17: Thus, when we look at man, we are also looking at perfection. And we are also looking at a living organism (man) that is looking for complete and total expression.

18: Just as a creek seeks a stream and stream looks to connect with a river and the river searches for the ocean. Always seeking total expression. Then, in perfect balance, the waters of the ocean raise to the sky. Only for one reason: So it can rain and redistribute the water and start all over again. Right back to the creek! Like I said. Engineering perfection.

19: As it is with man.

20: Oops, but wait. Wouldn't a "perfect thing" also have a system to eliminate the weak parts and faulty "switches and plugs" so to purge itself of impurities and rebuild itself?

21: Of course it does! So to keep out chaos and resume it's perfect balance.

22: That's why when man doesn't use his arm, it shrinks to a skinny stick-like limb.

23: That's why when a creature seldom moves, it becomes fat and lethargic. Ever see how fat cows are?

24: That's why when man seldom exercises his "balance" (of performance) he gets depressed, sullen and out of whack. Much like a "pool" of water. Ever smell a pond? Did you ever notice how smelly they are? Well, that's because it's out of "flow". And not cycling, circulating or in sync without anything around it.

The balance of failure is perfectly engineered, because it gives each of us a measuring device from which to monitor our balance with perfection and to determine our own weaknesses. So much so, that in every failure (seen as a defeat by "winners" and never a failure) there is an opportunity for correction, as Thomas Edison and Abraham Lincoln found out. With that being said, we can only define failure as one thing. A blessing in disguise!

Nature's Uncanny Ability To Push The Defeated To The Top

25: If you have been paying attention, studying history and mapping out the life stories of successful inventors, leaders of industry and star athletes, you will have noticed how nature has an uncanny ability to put people of ability, vision and persistence at the top of all organizations. But that honor never ever comes without the **price of money.

26: Which is the painful agony of defeat and failure. Early on.

27: Just as nature looks for the "strong to survive" (so they can lead and procreate), notice how nature doesn't allow a tiger or lion to feed until they have had eight to ten failed attempts at catching their six o'clock dinner. Which can take days on end.

28: Now look at man. Now look at who leads every and all organizations.

29: How could we classify them?

30: It's easy. Winners are always losers, failures and rejects. At first. "Out of the gate".

If You're a Bona Fide Networker,
Chances Are You're a Total Loser!

31: Just name someone. How about Sylvester Stallone, John F. Kennedy, Bill Gates, Colonel Sanders, Ray Kroc or how about Helen Keller, Janet Reno or Oprah Winfrey!

32: All losers right?

33: Ah, but the distinction and "greatness" they now have been identified with can be related to how well they organized their failure. Most people never really try anything, or if they do try, it's usually never (A) hard enough or (B) long enough. And even if they are trying, they aren't really "doing the thing" and instead simply getting ready to "do the thing". Any adult can put a bicycle together. But not everyone is ready to hop on and go for a ride!

Programmed For Success Through Organized Defeat

34: Success is really organized defeat. What successful losers have in common is their ability to program themselves for success. Even with chaos, defeat and failure all around them and applauding their every move. Just another defeat. But alas, the ultimate winner is the loser who uses his own personal initiative, imagination and definiteness of purpose to overcome the road blocks and pave themselves a highway to high achievement. But usually never without the agony of earlier defeat.

35: Remember, the engineer of the universe asks that leaders come forward to lead. So in it's search for those people, they must be tested first through defeat and second by persistence. That's why we hear, "never give up". People in the "know" know about organized defeat!

Learn To Use Defeat As A Weapon:
Either For Self Destruction or Survival

36: Failure is for the elite. And defeat is for people of action and people with discipline. And if you doubt that, just watch a beggar on the street or notice "couch potatos". You have to do the thing in order to measure any defeat. In other words, how can you say you "failed" at MLM if you have never enrolled five to ten people, grew a group of twenty or fifty and then LOST it all. I'm saying you can't. You can quit or be a quitter, but failure is reserved for the worthy.

37: What's more, failure as we have learned here, is not only a good thing, but a blessing! Because the winners then take the statistics and faulty actions and reverse or rearrange them for their own self elevation. Stop, just think about your self. What did you used to totally screw up and fail at, that you eventually measured, rearranged and succeeded at?

38: Now, in relation to network marketing this is what I'd ask you to do:

Do not see or entertain the notion of defeat until you have exhausted all possible avenues of activity. Failure to do so as outlined will breed procrastination and disbelief within yourself. And then resulting in self-destruction through lowered self-esteem. Known as depression.
Do not allow others to "get away" with telling you they failed. Winners won't usually waste your time with their own "trail of tears", because they are too busy celebrating all of their own successes. Which were born out of their defeats!
But alas, the weak will use their illogical and nonsensical notion of failure and their own defeat as an excuse for them to remain stagnate. So all you do is remind them, "Hey, did you ever have a working downline of 25 to 50 in your group"? And if they say no (and most will) simply ask them "then how can you measure whether you succeeded or won if you never truly did anything"? (Make sure they read this outline you are now reading)
Remind people and remind yourself that "failure is not an option" when organized defeat is within your re-programmed mind. And that failure is simply an acronym for quitting. And no one likes to be a "quitter". Read and highlight this report numerous times. Until you get it.
Network Marketing is not about ad co-cops, mailing postcards or anything to do with mail order prospecting. Instead, MLM is about people, relationships, leadership training and the subsequent duplication of that process. Nonetheless, some people foolishly will equate their (lack of) success as communicators and as "Networkers" and as "leaders" based on whether or not the ad "pulled" or whether or not they "pulled" a 2 or 3% response rate to their mailing list. Which is not only absurd, but a reversal of values. It's so silly isn't it?
What I'm saying is that you can not call yourself a failure until you quit. And you can't possibly (dare) say that MLM has failed you until you have exercised every possible avenue and worked MLM until the day you die. You just can't. And anything short of that is quitting.
What's so exciting then, is that with this outline here, we then can give ourselves the liberty of time (perseverance) and the honor of measured defeat. Which always, albeit not at first, leads to success. And that's good news worthy of discussion and worthy of sharing with the world. Which is my passion and which I am honored to share with you!
**Man does not work for money. Instead, man works for the freedom he can exercise through the accumulation of income. Which money can certainly buy. If you track backwards what money can do, starting from the end, which is the joy, it would look like this:
(5) Joy of service to family, friends and society
(4) sense of freedom
(3) better choices (
2) more time for recreation and novelty
(1) the accumulation of money.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Growing an international business.

It is naive to think one can grow a successful business on the backs of their friends and family

That is a quote from a very wise friend of mine in the Network Marketing Industry, but don't you think it is valid right across the board? I really don't believe in "making a list of your friends and family" unless of course, you want to. The fact is, it really doesn't matter HOW you get your business leads, the only thing that matters is that you get them. Some ways of prospecting are suited for certain people, and in fact there are so many different ways to meet people who are looking for what you've got that there is rarely a need to step TOO FAR out of your comfort zone. However, if you are a very shy person, you may have to take a bigger step than most.

I am going to go over a few ways that you can meet interested people. Be prepared to spend a little money... your advertising budget. It doesn't have to be a lot, but if you don't have any money at all, you will have to work much harder.

How to get exposure

  • RENT A KIOSK- You know- like in the local mall. Have a brightly colored display - showcase your product or have bright posters, pass out flyers, offer a FREE gift (I like ballot boxes, because you can get a lot of names and numbers back)

  • TAKE OUT A NEWSPAPER AD- If you don't have any experience writing ad copy, ask someone to help, or look for ad writing secrets online.

  • PLACE A RADIO AD- (see above)
  • POST BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FLYERS- on bulletin boards in malls, daycare centers, truck stops, gyms, salons/spa's, community centers, or anywhere you can think of that people gather. (if you don't have the time or the inclination to post advertisements all over town, give a couple of local teenagers $20 each to do it for you, and make sure you ask them to keep a list of all the places they posted) I personally like the flyers that have "pull off tabs" with your phone number.

  • DOOR TO DOOR and/or COLD CALL TELEPHONE- Do a market survey that asks specific questions that would be useful for you to know for your business. (I know most people hate door-to-door but trust me, I have met people who love it).

  • TRADE SHOWS- again have a "FREE" give away OR ballot box.

  • PUT ON A WORKSHOP- Teach a topic that relates to what you are promoting. Offer to give a free workshop to specific groups that may need your services OR rent a hotel meeting room and advertise your workshop. Bring in a key speaker if you are not comfortable doing the presentation yourself.

  • HOOK UP WITH THE LOCAL "Welcome Wagon"- Many communities have a Welcome Wagon service. Check them out in the Yellow Pages or online. The service they provide is very inexpensive, and I have found, very lucrative indeed.

Outside of your local market
  • NEWSPAPER/RADIO- now if you are creative, this does not have to cost a lot of money. I jusy recently placed an ad in a city in Mexico (newspaper classifieds) for $40/ 8 weeks. I found it online and they took paypal.

  • PURCHASED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY LEADS- I won't claim to be an expert on biz op industry leads, except to say that the more targetted and fresh they are, the better your chances.

  • JOIN AN ONLINE NETWORKING COMMUNITY- such as LinkedIn or OpenBC-- Be careful to be professional in your contact though. These communities are BIG on relationship building, and networking in the true sense of the word.

  • START A BLOG-- :-) and offer helpful advice.

  • START A SAFELIST-- I won't go into what that is, for the people who don't know, but for those of you who do, you can start one HERE.
    You can even get them with a list started(200-700 members) It will cost you $10 a month.

  • LEAD CAPTURE PAGE - Create one yourself or have someone do it for you. Chris Moos at can design a great one for you and send huge volumes of traffic at a VERY good price

  • ONLINE RESUMES- lots of opportunity seekers out there.

Now use YOUR imagination. The thing about ideas is that one often leads to another. Make sure once you have your leads that you have a system to back it up, and you are ready and rolling!

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Google Sitemaps- Get your site indexed

If you have a website, and you haven't heard of the Google site maps program (Beta) yet, trust me, you will!

Google has told webmasters that they want to index all the pages of your site, and they want your help in doing so.

Enter, Google site maps.

Basically, Google is asking webmasters, who want all of their pages indexed in the google search engine, to create a. XML file that will tell the google robots exactly where to find all of the pages of your site. This is good news! Google is saying you don't have to wait anymore, for their bots to "find" your site as they traverse the internet. You can literally TELL them where to go, and not only that, but in your file, you can tell them how often to come back.

Now, submitting a site map to google will not affect your page rank, but it most certainly will help you get all your pages crawled.

Google has a tool that you can use to create and submit your site maps, but it is definitely not a tool for beginners. You need to have access to your server, to install software, and you have to have at least some programming experience, from what I can tell.

I have found a very easy web-based site maps generator that will crawl your site for you AND create a site maps XML file for you. All you have to do is give them the URL for your site. Their bot will crawl your site, create a map, then all you have to do is save it to notepad and FTP it to your root directory. Find them here.

There are many online site map generators out there, but this is the only one I have found so far that actually crawled (and found) all the pages of my site.

If you have a website, but have no idea what I have just said talk to the person who helped you set up your site, and tell them about Google site maps. It is going to be VERY important in the future!

Before you submit your map to Google, go to
and check link popularity and # of pages indexed in all the major search engines.
It is a good idea to keep track, at least on a weekly basis, of how your site is doing, especially if you have a lot of dynamic content.

Read more about Google Site Maps here directly from Google.
Google Sitemaps Login

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Competition-- Get resourceful !

A shopkeeper was dismayed when a brand new business much like his own opened up next door and erected a huge sign which read 'BEST DEALS.'

He was horrified when another competitor opened up on his right, and announced its arrival with an even larger sign, reading 'LOWEST PRICES.'

The shopkeeper panicked, until he got an idea. He put the biggest sign of all over his own shop. It read 'MAIN ENTRANCE'.

Sales in a jaded world.

There's no doubt about it, if you are going to ask for people's money you are in for a few bumps. People want "things", and "stuff", but they don't want to be sold.

I started out in sales with the thought that everybody would love my product simply because I loved it, and I just couldn't imagine that someone else would not

I was right...........partly.

Sure, enthusiasm, and the love and knowledge of your product will go a long way, but that is really only a small part of the equation. In order to effectively sell a product or service, you need to give people what they need or want, and in order to know what they need or want, you have to ask a few questions, and listen closely to the answers.

The first thing you need to do is get to know your product. The ingredients are not really important (as long as it is not toxic). What you really want to know is how your product will make this persons life better.

Once a person's basic needs are covered, they will spend their money on products that will improve their quality of life in some way. Most people today want new technology, convenience, health and/or youth. (not necessarily in that order) Your job as a representative of your company or product is to discover how your product will add value.

Be prepared to answer common questions, and know enough about your product or service to overcome simple objections. Keep in mind that people really do want to buy things. They just want to be sure it is worth it.

This is true whether you are promoting your business opportunity, or a tangible product that people consume, or an intangible such as travel certificates.
Have you ever heard the expression "This product is so good, it sells itself"
Oh, don't I detest that, when somebody is trying to sell me on their business. Don't think for a minute that if you just sit there filing your nails, your energy drink is going to go door to door in your neighborhood. A good product still needs a good presentation. It is up to you to find out why it is good, and match your market to your product. It is always a good idea to back up your claims with testamonial. What results have other people found. Use the product yourself, so you have personal knowledge, and pass out samples to friends or business partners, and ask for their written opinion, to use in your presentation.

If you take time to understand the needs of your customers, you will be well on your way to a long happy career in sales.

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

You have to hit the ball before you can run!

It seems our email boxes are full of opportunity, doesn't it?
How in the world can you tell when a real chance comes

Well first of all, the companies that have been around
for a long time, made the most money, produced the most
wealthy people, all require an investment of some sort.

All the FREE, FREE, FREE, can't do a thing for you.
No money coming in, no money to pay you.

Yet, it is true that network marketing is the single best
opportunity for the average person to become financially

But statistically, only 5% ever achieve the kind of success they dream of.

Well, in order to fail you have to try first. Most people never
get off first base. They don't want to work at it. They want it
handed to them like it's their inheritance. But that's the same
in any industry. Have you ever been in management? How
many people will work hard to get a promotion? Maybe 5%,
if you're lucky.

But given that, the whole intention behind network marketing
has been lost. All it was ever intended to be was a network of
friends sharing news about great products. Word of mouth
advertising. And the companies gladly pay you for bringing
in business.

But that means you have to have used the product and love
it for this whole concept to work. Otherwise, you have
No credibility. How can you really endorse something
you've never even tried?

But there is another very important area where MLM fails.
And that is developing people.

If you were running a retail store, would you just hire a
bunch of people and let them go off and do whatever they
want? Of course not! That would be suicide.

So why do people think they can do that in this business
and still survive?

You have a responsibility to the people that you bring
into your business. While they technically are not your
employees, they are your proteges. You cannot set their
hours, but you can set expectations. You can be hard on
them. After all, they came to you to become successful,
didn't they?

Run it like you would any business. If you care about your business and the people you bring in, train people. Give them the resources they need. Give
them encouragement. Give them everything you can.
When they do perform, praise them, reward them, give them recognition.
All those things you would do if you were in a "normal" business.

I believe that anyone who is serious about this business
has a responsibility to help other do it right. Until we
see more of that happening, this business will continue
to be plagued with failure.

Shelley Penney is a residual income specialist an author, mentor and trainer to the home business industry.

Friday, July 01, 2005

What you need to know about people

by John C. Maxwell

Successful leadership is about 90% people knowledge and 10% product knowledge. Henry Ford once said, "You can take my factories, burn up my buildings, but give me my people and I'll build the business right back again."

You can have strong people skills and not be a good leader, but you cannot be a good leader without people skills. In my thirty plus years of leadership, I've discovered that many people in leadership positions fail to ever gain a proper understanding of the people they lead. As a result, neither they nor their people ever reach their potential.

But successful leaders are able to discern the needs of their people instinctively, and then take action to meet them. The following is a list of the most common needs of people and how to meet them effectively. Though every item may not be true of the people you lead, take the time to determine what items do describe them. Then commit to take the proper action to put you and your people on the road to success.

1. People Like to Feel Special … Compliment Them.

The highest compliment a person can receive is one given by his or her leader. Mark Twain said, "One compliment can keep me going for a whole month." Take the time to notice your people's work and don't hesitate to tell them when they've done a good job. Make a habit of being generous and sincere with your compliments.

2. People Look For a Better Tomorrow … Give Them Hope.

Jean Kerr said, "Hope is the feeling we have that the feeling we have isn't permanent." In other words, when your people are having trouble seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, remind them of the purpose of their work and help them envision what their work will accomplish. With hope your people will work harder and longer to see a task through to completion.

3. People Need to Be Understood … Listen to Them.

Every leader would be wise to heed the Cherokee saying: "Listen to the whispers and you won't have to hear the screams." Don't judge what your people want to tell you before they've told you.
Take time to understand their point of view and listen to their suggestions. It's the best way to ensure that they've been listening to you and it opens the door to innovative ideas for improvement.

4. People Lack Direction … Navigate for Them.

Don Herald said, "Unhappiness is not knowing what we want and killing ourselves to get it." Part of your job as a leader is to help your people figure out what they're most passionate about, and then help them pursue it. Sometimes that may involve a position change within your organization or even allowing a person to pursue another opportunity. But when you understand that effectiveness comes as a result of surrounding yourself with people who love what they do, it's not difficult to let a person go who doesn't enjoy their work. Spend your best time developing and giving direction to those who are passionate about the work your organization is accomplishing.

Tom Peters said, "Techniques don't produce quality products or pick up the garbage on time; people do, people who care, people who are treated as creatively contributing adults." Before you ask anything of your people, make sure you've taken the time to understand and meet their needs. In doing so, you will give yourself a decided edge in maintaining their continued support.

This article is used by permission from Dr. John C. Maxwell's free monthly e-newsletter Leadership Wired available at

John Maxwell is founder of The INJOY Group ( ) and a noted authority on leadership and personal growth. He has written more than 30 books, including such New York Times best sellers as Failing Forward and The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership .


I spend much time browsing the internet, looking for good resources to help my team grow a business. In my travels I came across this gem

Scott Sedwick of talks about ethics. Those of you who know me KNOW that ethics are incredibly important to me!

Thanks, Scott, I couldn't have said it better myself!

Ethics - in a profession or trade - is that branch of philosophy which studies the principles of right and wrong in human conduct.
Is your business ethical? What I mean is "Does your business do the right thing when faced with that decision?" It's a simple question, which many businesses struggle with. I just don't understand the struggling part?

I have worked for companies that believed they were ethical, and really have no clue. Meaning the decisions they make everyday towards their customers and employees does not advocate ethical behavior.

So, what is it? When someone in business gives you their word and then reneges, that is unethical. Your word is your promise. Even if it is your business making the statement.

Doing good business and being a good employer is more than your product or policies, it is the guidelines in which you do your business. I am continually disappointed in how many unethical businesses exist today. I have worked for some of them, and they just don't get it... they 'talk tough' but when the decisions are finally made, I can't fathom what motivated them come to that decision? It was not necessarily 'doing the right thing'.

Yes, I know profits are pinnacle to most, but that IS NOT the bottom line! The bottom line is how your customer, partner, client or prospect walked away from their experience. What's so hard to get? It also helps you feel good about yourself and your business, which helps us sleep (live) better too!

Treat them the way you want to be treated... I mean it! Don't say something you have no intention of backing up with your actions. Keep your word in business, in compensation promises, in client promises, in every day business. This is pinnacle!

I don't want to ramble here, but some businesses need a wake-up-call (yesterday). What puzzles me is why? When you do good business, you get more good business. I'm not just talking about the Enron's™ or Arthur Anderson's™ of the World, I'm talking about every type of business out there, in almost every industry.

If each one of us refused to do business with these unethical companies - we would have a lot fewer of them. Be one of the ethical ones. Do good business, keep your word, don't venture into gray areas, and do the right thing! Sure, it will occasionally cost you something, but it will pay you back, and it won't cost you your dignity or pride or any true profits. Isn't your business worth it? Or how about your personal reputation? Do you care?


Try this: The next few times you're faced with 'doing the right thing'?
Well, when you do it - do it with extreme pleasure!*


*This will pay you and your business back ten-fold. Why? Because that person (customer, employee, client, etc.) is going to tell at least 3-20 other people (potential customers who also like to be treated well). Remember, you did it with extreme pleasure, they're not just going to say they received a refund, or a promotion, - they're going to be jumping up and down at how well their situation was handled! - Make someone else's day! - you'll be surprised at how well your day goes. This is one definition of viral marketing, and it works!

I look forward to running into more good, ethical businesses out there - hopefully yours.

Remember - Doing good business rewards your business with more of it... we're all here seeking to do business with reputable firms and real people, let's do just that.

The upside? If your business does good ethical business - Then you are already ahead of a good chunk of your competitors! There's opportunity here. Keep up the good work, partner with other 'like types' and only do your personal business with other more ethical companies, like yours. We could see a decrease in our unethical competition very soon.

Thank you for allowing me to voice my thoughts and encourage the type of business that helped this Country, it's people, and ethical businesses - Grow.

Written by and Copyright © Scott Sedwick

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.