Sunday, July 31, 2005

Get motivated, Quit Worrying...

And Beat Sales Calls reluctance!

Well, I am back from a wonderful weekend, rejuvenated and refreshed.

This article helped me focus! I found it at A great site with some wonderful tips for people who do business over the phone.

We all have those "Why me?" days or a case of the blahs
every once in a while -- especially during periods of sustained
prospecting. The key to sales success is keeping your sales
call reluctance temporary and controlling how you snap out
of your mini-funks.

Here are some ideas on combating occasional bouts of
sales call reluctance:

Do things differently
Nothing tastes good when it's stale. Walk down the
same path of grass repeatedly, and you'll kill the grass.
If you continue, you'll create a rut.

Make a list of all the ways you do your job, and then
write down how you could improve your work. It's amazing
how changing your perspective can freshen things up and
help you dig out of your sales call reluctance.

Trade tapes of your sales calls with other reps and managers.
The best reps I've ever associated with are always improving themselves;
they're never satisfied with their level of expertise. And they tape themselves.
Listening to your own tapes is great, and it's a good idea if you are looking
to improve your phone skills. But the most beneficial move is opening
yourself up to being evaluated by others.

Oh, I know most people will dismiss this idea. And I also know most
people aren't even close to earning the money they could if they would
put forth more effort.

Refuse to be rejected.
Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without
your consent." Likewise, no one can reject you without your consent.
If you approach every call with the minimum objective of learning
something from the call, you'll at least accomplish that regardless
of the outcome. Keep in mind that if you didn't have a "yes" going
into the call, you won't lose anything if you get a "no."

Why not do your very best?
To paraphrase Brian Tracy: If you're going to do something anyway,
why not commit to doing it the best way you possibly can? I'm
astounded by the stories of how people will spend hours in line to
see the opening of a movie, or be the first one in line when the stores
open on the day after Thanksgiving. Just think about what you could
accomplish if you applied a fraction of that same passion and energy
to your career.

Don't create difficulty.
After all these years, I'm still perplexed by the salespeople who
create prospect resistance every time they pick up the phone.
Yet they keep doing it. Gosh, even lab animals voluntarily quit
doing things that hurt after a few repetitions. Many sales reps
are ill-prepared or suffer from sales call reluctance, muttering the
same guaranteed resistance-inducing openings and go-nowhere
questions every time.

A participant at one of my recent Telesales Rep Colleges summed
it up nicely: "It seems to me it's really not that hard to do the right
things on the phone, as opposed to the wrong things that keep
getting doors slammed in your face." Bingo. That's the revelation
all successful sales reps have at some point -- like putting on
glasses for the first time after living with bad vision.

Think larger.
How do you know what you can't do? I'm not talking about
what you think you can't do; those are the self-imposed limitations
you've been believing until now. There's very little you're not capable
of doing -- as long as you really try. So set a larger target for
yourself and say, "Why not?" You'll realize what you've been
missing, and you'll be more motivated as you pursue your goal.

Feed your mind.
Often, people are depressed and are reluctant to place sales
calls. They have the same old negative thoughts running through
their minds like a tape stuck on "replay." Breaking out is not that
hard to do; you just need to put your mind in a more positive mood.

Buy some self-improvement books, take them home and get to
work on your mind. After reading a few pages, start creating an
action plan. It's impossible for your mind to be preoccupied with
negative thoughts when you're focused on positive action.

Hang with achievers.
You've probably read or heard that humorous quote, "It's tough
to soar with eagles when you hang around with turkeys." Think
of some of the most successful people you know, those you really
admire. I would bet they don't regularly blame others or circumstances
for things that go wrong. Achievers exude a positive attitude, and
it's infectious. Go catch it!

This Tip came from "How To Sell More, In
Less Time, With No Rejection," two-volume book set.
In these 500+ pages, Is covered every type of telesales
and prospecting call, with plenty of word-for-word examples
of what to do, and avoid, including numerous case studies
like this one. This will be the best $59 investment you
can make in your future sales and commissions, and
help you avoid resistance-inducing mistakes you might
not even realize you're making!
See more information; HERE

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