Saturday, July 09, 2005

We're All "Self Made",

We're All "Self Made",
But Only Millionaires Seem To Admit That!
By Joe Schroeder

1: Failure is a privilege exclusive to people with grit in their crawl and who spit thunder. In other words, failure is singular to people who exercise their potential and work successfully until everything comes crashing down.

2: In plain English, failure is only for those who "build it up" and then watch it crumble.

3: Naturally, we could do a series of newsletters on how "failure" is really success. Because as the good book teaches us, there is always an equal seed of equivalent good (potential and opportunity) in all that we on the worldly plane perceive as failure. And there are those (including myself) who would prefer to erase the word failure from their vocabulary. And replace it with the working philosophy of "falling forward fast".

4: Nonetheless, because we have been conditioned from childhood about the meaning of failure and all that it represents, I believe this failure is a noteworthy subject. Especially when "failure" has become synonymous with MLM for the most part.

5: Case in point: Most Networkers would say that they have "failed" at network marketing.

6: Including me. And I've said that I have and did (fail) on numerous occasions and have retold many of my "struggling" stories on at least a half a dozen (6) of my MLM audio training tapes!

Most Networkers Never Even Get Within a Mile of Failing at MLM.

The Truth Is, Most Networkers Never Even Really Get Started!

7: But like I said, failure is an honor. And usually a reaction to extreme effort and concentrated discipline. And yet, the majority who dabble in MLM ultimately walk away from MLM or they hop from program to program saying how "that deal didn't work" and "how that one didn't work either", when all along, they never got started in the first place!

8: Which erases any notion or even ability of failure. Completely. It's like, how could a bridge collapse if it was never built in the first place?

9: At the same time though, it's become convenient for loads of Networkers to point a finger at MLM, like it was some dirty little sneak or something, because MLM "failed" them or "hurt" them in some way. When in fact they never even actually got started!

10: And listen, you know as well as I know that buying $500 in MLM marketing "tools" isn't any closer to true MLM or networking as is co-op advertising. Which I do both of. But neither of those marketing exercises is networking.

11:and yet, "Johnny" will join an MLM, mail out 1,000 audio tapes (the poor sap!), not even get two enrollee's, quit - and then say "I failed at MLM". Or how MLM is a scam.

12: The truth is, hanging a shingle out saying you're a doctor doesn't make you a doctor. You have to "practice" (work) to be a real doctor. And until you have enrolled at least 10 and built a downline of 50 you have never truly "networked" or for that matter, even ever failed!

Nature Has An Amazingly Simple System.
Here's How It Works: Use It or Lose It!

13: The world and universe is perfect. And we can witness its perfection through its perfect balance. For without its perfect balance there would be chaos. The planets would collide with each other, the sun would fry you until "crispy brown", and we'd all be drowned by the tides of the ocean.

14: Nonetheless, we live in a perfectly systematic universe. And if you doubt that, just peek out the door and think about that tree outside, that's over 40 feet tall that has stood erect for over 50 years.

15: Have you ever thought about that? Thought about how perfect and balanced trees are! Notice how even if they look slightly out of kilter, they are still perfectly symmetrical. That's because the apron of branches are used like the horizontal pole the tight rope walker uses to shimmy across his tight rope. For balance.

16: And when we look at tree's what we don't see are the roots. Which are in length and size to the direct proportion of the tree itself. For balance. And what we are looking at when we look at nature is perfect engineering.

17: Thus, when we look at man, we are also looking at perfection. And we are also looking at a living organism (man) that is looking for complete and total expression.

18: Just as a creek seeks a stream and stream looks to connect with a river and the river searches for the ocean. Always seeking total expression. Then, in perfect balance, the waters of the ocean raise to the sky. Only for one reason: So it can rain and redistribute the water and start all over again. Right back to the creek! Like I said. Engineering perfection.

19: As it is with man.

20: Oops, but wait. Wouldn't a "perfect thing" also have a system to eliminate the weak parts and faulty "switches and plugs" so to purge itself of impurities and rebuild itself?

21: Of course it does! So to keep out chaos and resume it's perfect balance.

22: That's why when man doesn't use his arm, it shrinks to a skinny stick-like limb.

23: That's why when a creature seldom moves, it becomes fat and lethargic. Ever see how fat cows are?

24: That's why when man seldom exercises his "balance" (of performance) he gets depressed, sullen and out of whack. Much like a "pool" of water. Ever smell a pond? Did you ever notice how smelly they are? Well, that's because it's out of "flow". And not cycling, circulating or in sync without anything around it.

The balance of failure is perfectly engineered, because it gives each of us a measuring device from which to monitor our balance with perfection and to determine our own weaknesses. So much so, that in every failure (seen as a defeat by "winners" and never a failure) there is an opportunity for correction, as Thomas Edison and Abraham Lincoln found out. With that being said, we can only define failure as one thing. A blessing in disguise!

Nature's Uncanny Ability To Push The Defeated To The Top

25: If you have been paying attention, studying history and mapping out the life stories of successful inventors, leaders of industry and star athletes, you will have noticed how nature has an uncanny ability to put people of ability, vision and persistence at the top of all organizations. But that honor never ever comes without the **price of money.

26: Which is the painful agony of defeat and failure. Early on.

27: Just as nature looks for the "strong to survive" (so they can lead and procreate), notice how nature doesn't allow a tiger or lion to feed until they have had eight to ten failed attempts at catching their six o'clock dinner. Which can take days on end.

28: Now look at man. Now look at who leads every and all organizations.

29: How could we classify them?

30: It's easy. Winners are always losers, failures and rejects. At first. "Out of the gate".

If You're a Bona Fide Networker,
Chances Are You're a Total Loser!

31: Just name someone. How about Sylvester Stallone, John F. Kennedy, Bill Gates, Colonel Sanders, Ray Kroc or how about Helen Keller, Janet Reno or Oprah Winfrey!

32: All losers right?

33: Ah, but the distinction and "greatness" they now have been identified with can be related to how well they organized their failure. Most people never really try anything, or if they do try, it's usually never (A) hard enough or (B) long enough. And even if they are trying, they aren't really "doing the thing" and instead simply getting ready to "do the thing". Any adult can put a bicycle together. But not everyone is ready to hop on and go for a ride!

Programmed For Success Through Organized Defeat

34: Success is really organized defeat. What successful losers have in common is their ability to program themselves for success. Even with chaos, defeat and failure all around them and applauding their every move. Just another defeat. But alas, the ultimate winner is the loser who uses his own personal initiative, imagination and definiteness of purpose to overcome the road blocks and pave themselves a highway to high achievement. But usually never without the agony of earlier defeat.

35: Remember, the engineer of the universe asks that leaders come forward to lead. So in it's search for those people, they must be tested first through defeat and second by persistence. That's why we hear, "never give up". People in the "know" know about organized defeat!

Learn To Use Defeat As A Weapon:
Either For Self Destruction or Survival

36: Failure is for the elite. And defeat is for people of action and people with discipline. And if you doubt that, just watch a beggar on the street or notice "couch potatos". You have to do the thing in order to measure any defeat. In other words, how can you say you "failed" at MLM if you have never enrolled five to ten people, grew a group of twenty or fifty and then LOST it all. I'm saying you can't. You can quit or be a quitter, but failure is reserved for the worthy.

37: What's more, failure as we have learned here, is not only a good thing, but a blessing! Because the winners then take the statistics and faulty actions and reverse or rearrange them for their own self elevation. Stop, just think about your self. What did you used to totally screw up and fail at, that you eventually measured, rearranged and succeeded at?

38: Now, in relation to network marketing this is what I'd ask you to do:

Do not see or entertain the notion of defeat until you have exhausted all possible avenues of activity. Failure to do so as outlined will breed procrastination and disbelief within yourself. And then resulting in self-destruction through lowered self-esteem. Known as depression.
Do not allow others to "get away" with telling you they failed. Winners won't usually waste your time with their own "trail of tears", because they are too busy celebrating all of their own successes. Which were born out of their defeats!
But alas, the weak will use their illogical and nonsensical notion of failure and their own defeat as an excuse for them to remain stagnate. So all you do is remind them, "Hey, did you ever have a working downline of 25 to 50 in your group"? And if they say no (and most will) simply ask them "then how can you measure whether you succeeded or won if you never truly did anything"? (Make sure they read this outline you are now reading)
Remind people and remind yourself that "failure is not an option" when organized defeat is within your re-programmed mind. And that failure is simply an acronym for quitting. And no one likes to be a "quitter". Read and highlight this report numerous times. Until you get it.
Network Marketing is not about ad co-cops, mailing postcards or anything to do with mail order prospecting. Instead, MLM is about people, relationships, leadership training and the subsequent duplication of that process. Nonetheless, some people foolishly will equate their (lack of) success as communicators and as "Networkers" and as "leaders" based on whether or not the ad "pulled" or whether or not they "pulled" a 2 or 3% response rate to their mailing list. Which is not only absurd, but a reversal of values. It's so silly isn't it?
What I'm saying is that you can not call yourself a failure until you quit. And you can't possibly (dare) say that MLM has failed you until you have exercised every possible avenue and worked MLM until the day you die. You just can't. And anything short of that is quitting.
What's so exciting then, is that with this outline here, we then can give ourselves the liberty of time (perseverance) and the honor of measured defeat. Which always, albeit not at first, leads to success. And that's good news worthy of discussion and worthy of sharing with the world. Which is my passion and which I am honored to share with you!
**Man does not work for money. Instead, man works for the freedom he can exercise through the accumulation of income. Which money can certainly buy. If you track backwards what money can do, starting from the end, which is the joy, it would look like this:
(5) Joy of service to family, friends and society
(4) sense of freedom
(3) better choices (
2) more time for recreation and novelty
(1) the accumulation of money.

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