Sunday, July 10, 2005

People don't care how much you know....

...until they know how much you care.

Ah.... those words set me free !

You see, I work a home based network marketing business. I have become used to people over the years questioning my motives.
"You only want me to join so you can make money"
"You're only saying THAT so you can....."
"You just want to SELL me something...."
Oh and my favorite
....."What are you getting out of this......"

Ok, so here'e the thing, and this comes straight from that place inside of me that only I can see.


I care about my customers. I want them to like their products, and get the results they expect. I honor my company's return policy, and I feel bad when my customer feels they need to return something. I follow up after a sale, to see how they are enjoying what they purchased.

I care about my company. I support their policies without complaint. I work hard to offer suggestions in areas that may be lacking. I freely provide my expertise to everybody whether they are on my team or not. I work with the people who have influence to bring their awareness to things I think could work better. I do not complain publicly EVER about my company or anybody else's.

I care about my industry. I deeply care that there are some unethical practices by people who just want their share. I care about the reputation of MLM as a whole. I care that there are people in other businesses that are floundering without support or a clear path. I care very much when an MLM company goes "under" because I know it affects a lot of people and their families.

Most of all, I care about my team. I lead by example, treat everybody with respect, teach what I know, and don't burden them with my problems. I don't gossip, ridicule or disregard their concerns.

You see, in this life, what you send out truly does come back 100 fold. People want to be treated fairly, they want to follow a leader who has their best interests at heart, they want to trust. Success carries a price, and it is important to realize that in network marketing, the price is responsibility to those who have placed their trust in you.

Do I need to make money?? Oh, absolutely! I have children, a mortgage and expenses just like everybody else. But I refuse to make money on the backs of the people who trust me. As a result, I have found success that many only dream of.

I was lucky enough, early in my career, to find someone who cared as much as I do, who taught me the skills and knowledge it would take to succeed, with patience and consistency. Now I have the priviledge of passing that knowledge on to a new generation of networkers.

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

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