Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Google Sitemaps- Get your site indexed

If you have a website, and you haven't heard of the Google site maps program (Beta) yet, trust me, you will!

Google has told webmasters that they want to index all the pages of your site, and they want your help in doing so.

Enter, Google site maps.

Basically, Google is asking webmasters, who want all of their pages indexed in the google search engine, to create a. XML file that will tell the google robots exactly where to find all of the pages of your site. This is good news! Google is saying you don't have to wait anymore, for their bots to "find" your site as they traverse the internet. You can literally TELL them where to go, and not only that, but in your file, you can tell them how often to come back.

Now, submitting a site map to google will not affect your page rank, but it most certainly will help you get all your pages crawled.

Google has a tool that you can use to create and submit your site maps, but it is definitely not a tool for beginners. You need to have access to your server, to install software, and you have to have at least some programming experience, from what I can tell.

I have found a very easy web-based site maps generator that will crawl your site for you AND create a site maps XML file for you. All you have to do is give them the URL for your site. Their bot will crawl your site, create a map, then all you have to do is save it to notepad and FTP it to your root directory. Find them here.

There are many online site map generators out there, but this is the only one I have found so far that actually crawled (and found) all the pages of my site.

If you have a website, but have no idea what I have just said talk to the person who helped you set up your site, and tell them about Google site maps. It is going to be VERY important in the future!

Before you submit your map to Google, go to
and check link popularity and # of pages indexed in all the major search engines.
It is a good idea to keep track, at least on a weekly basis, of how your site is doing, especially if you have a lot of dynamic content.

Read more about Google Site Maps here directly from Google.
Google Sitemaps Login

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

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