Thursday, September 08, 2005

What to do when you just don't want to.

Network marketing is work just like any business. We are constantly battling apathy, hype, and a poor reputation. It is definitely character building, and many people give up out of frustration or discouragement. The true leaders in this industry knows how important it is to work, even when you don't feel like it.

The KEY is to work a plan and hold yourself accountable to it.

You need to plan your work, and follow through.

If you are working an MLM or network marketing business, planning your work
is critical to your success. You need to make a clear, quantifiable and executional plan for your day, your month and your year. As well, you need a long term projection, let's say 5 years.


1. Set your goals. Your goals need to be measurable. That means very specific, and when you reach them there is no doubt. i.e. "I want to make more money" is not a measurable goal. Substitute instead with "I want to earn $5000 a week"
2. Write them down. On paper, in pen. List your goals in order of priority.
3. Make a plan of execution. Figure out on paper exactly what you need to do. For example, how many distributors on your team, on autoship, how many new team members, will you need to accomplish your goal. Then ask how many people will I have to put through the system to accomplish that. How many calls will I have to make per day.
4. Now write your daily plan of action.
i.e. Monday contact 20 new people.
Tuesday contact 20 new people. Follow up with people from Monday that visited website or requested more information.................

Make a full schedule of work, recreation, family time. Mark it all on the calendar with different colors signifying different activities. i.e. Green ink= money making activities. Red ink = spouse or partner time ...

Then put down what the expected results are.

Make yourself accountable. Send your plan to your mentor, or share it with a loved one. It is easy to let yourself down, but not as easy to disappoint someone you respect.


Now, get to work.

There will be times when you don't FEEL like working.
But the fact that you have a schedule, and someone who believes in you will help to keep you on track. Once you have established a routine, the work is much easier. Before you know it, you will hardly need to look at your schedule to know what you have to do.

Working your plan sometimes means working when you don't feel like it.
Make working your plan a habit.

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

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