Monday, May 30, 2005

We beats ME everytime!

Network marketing is ALL about the team, and your ability to work with-in yours will ultimately determine your own success.
Each individual on a team brings certain skills and experiences to the table, and it is very important to realize that everyone ADDS VALUE to the organization. I DO mean everyone!
It doesn't matter how long you have been in business. It doesn't matter whether you are full time or part time. It doesn't matter whether you have a college education or haven't finished highschool. Network marketing is the ultimate equalizer.

The thing is, who ever you are, there is someone out there who can relate to you! Someone who shares a similar experience, thought or disposition. Someone that you can inspire by sharing your story or an idea.

There are 2 common errors that I see happen frequently that can kill team efforts! The first comes from the person who is constantly comparing themselves to others on the team. This persons thought process goes something like this.....
Everybody is doing so much better than I am. I don't have anything to teach these people, because I haven't done anything worthwhile. This individual satellites herself from the team, and always feels as if she is an outsider.
These people (if they recruit to the organization) will often bring in weak team members who lack the confidence or motivation to build a business, because they are intimidated by anyone who they perceive as having more talent.
Understand this basic principal...."whenever you compare yourself to others, you are comparing your weaknesses to their strengths" You will NEVER come out ahead in this scenario. You can benefit by embracing the talents of the team, and using their skill and talent.
Remember that in this business, we can choose who we work with, and if the person who brought you into the business didn't think you could do it, they would have moved on to someone else!
The second "team killer" is the person who makes excuses and decisions for others, based on their need to "protect" the individual, or simply to have control. This is pre-judging at it's finest!
Often, what happens is, the teamleader or recruiter will say things like..
"oh, I didn't tell Joanie about the conference... she wouldn't be able to come anyway" or "Don't talk about the latest product launch, Peter will just feel bad because he can't afford to get one in to show."

Even though the motive may be pure, these types of decisions stunt the growth of individuals in the team, and ultimately end in a disaster of hurt feelings, and a feeling of lack of support.

I truly believe that everybody on a team is an equal member of a team. Lexxus is a binary system where each of us are distributors. There are no levels!! We all have an equal opportunity to grow and learn, and we all have equal opportunity to make mistakes (and grow and learn ;-)

The strength and beauty of this system is that we all benefit from the efforts of the group equally, so there is huge motivation to work together.
Regardless of what kind of team you are working on, the team is only as strong as the weakest link. The person sitting across from you with no experience, who seems a little rough around the edges, could be the next millionaire.

Our job, as responsible team members, is to listen, encourage, provide information, praise success, and give support. Recognize that networking is a "learned" skill not a genetic trait. As such, the person you judge will either learn the right things or the wrong things.
A successful marketer leads by example, prejudges (because that is human nature LOL), and then ignores the judgements and gives everyone an equal chance.
I like to provide information in a non-threatening environment. It is each individuals job to accept or reject the information.
Let me tell you this....when you start taking responsibility for yourself, and stop taking responsibility for others, the team will thrive beyond what you could have imagined!
Want to know more about how you can be part of the team?
CLICK HERE for more information.

Shelley Penney is a network marketing and internet marketing specialist with 7 years in the field. She is currently mentoring a small group of people to achieve financial freedom from home.

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